Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions cover the provision of all events and services supplied through Donna Carty Development Services (DCDS).

The services:

Face-to-face(in person) services
Venues: Sourcing, payment and organising an appropriate, accessible venue is the  responsibility of the client. The client is to ensure the venue is an appropriate size for the group,  with appropriate levels of ventilation. The Client is also responsible for providing all necessary equipment required for delivery of  events or consultancy services.

Online delivery of services
For training and other people-based services, Zoom or Teams links will be provided by DCDS,  unless otherwise agreed in advance.  Neither party shall be liable for fault or failure of the agreed platform that may occur during  the delivery of the service, should it be deemed outside of their control.

Attendee numbers

For the majority of interactive trainings sessions there is a maximum number of 15 people  (online) and 18 people (in-person); this may reduce for some courses, such as Training for  Trainers. If attendee numbers are above 15 or the number agreed in a proposal, there will be an  additional fee per participant, equivalent to the full course fee divided by 15.

The maximum number of participants for a focus group is eight, unless otherwise agreed in  writing.  If this maximum number is reached, additional individuals may be refused entry to the group or  an additional charge may be incurred. 

Any materials provided for or during DCDS events or services are protected by Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights unless stated otherwise.

Fees and payment

Consultancy and Training
Fees for services will be agreed upon by email prior to delivery .  

An invoice for payment of the appropriate fees will be sent, by email after delivery of training  or consultancy services, unless stated previously that payment for a project will be invoiced,  and payment expected, incrementally. 

Payment is due within 14 days of the date on the invoice. Invoices unpaid after 60 days of the invoice date may be subject to an additional charge of 5% of the invoice total. 

DCDS may cancel future bookings for a client where payments for previous events remain outstanding.

Report writing
Fees will be agreed prior to the initiation of a report, and the cost of any changes/additions agreed in the course of writing, as appropriate.

Printing of materials
There will be a per-person charge for printing, if printed materials are supplied by DCDS.

Travel expenses
There will be a per-person charge for printing, if printed materials are supplied by DCDS.

Rail travel will be booked by DCDS and charged at the ‘Anytime’ fare as stated by Trainline.

Air travel will be charged at:

Car travel will be charged at 45p per mile.

If it is agreed that your consultant will travel into London to deliver services from outside the Greater London area, travel will also be charged. This will exclude Transport for London tube and bus services and London Overground.

Overnight stays:
There will be an additional charge for overnight stays if required. This will include a mid-hotel or Premier Inn, the cost of which is likely to vary according to the time of year and local circumstances.

DCDS will strive to keep costs to a minimum and is happy to discuss any suggestions or  concerns with you. 

Overnight stays: There will be an additional £25.00 charge per night for an evening meal and £15 charge for breakfast.

Additional participants: Please see services section above

Cancellation or postponement

All postponements are charged as if a cancellation unless otherwise agreed at the time of the postponement.

Cancellation and postponement of bookings by the Client will result in charges as follows*: 
22 - 28 days prior to date of event 25% of full fee 
15 - 21 days prior to date of event 50% of full fee 
8 - 14 days prior to date of event 75% of full fee 
0 - 7 days prior to date of event 100% of full fee

*If the client cancels a booking within 28 days of the event, full reimbursement will be required  for any non-refundable travel or other expenses. If refundable, 10% of the expenses will be  charged for administration.

Changes to delivery by DCDS
Where DCDS cannot deliver a service or event in-person, the parties may mutually agree on a digital platform for delivery.
In the unlikely event that the trainer cannot deliver a course at the date and time agreed,  DCDS will either replace the original trainer with a suitably experienced and skilled trainer, or deliver the event at another mutually agreed time, with no fee charged for the course.

Unusual circumstances 
The full fee will also be applicable if engagements are cancelled on the day due to unusual circumstances or events, but where the trainer can still attend or deliver the service or event.  

Additional areas 
Any terms stated in proposals or agreed in emails relating to a specific booking or project, form  part of these Terms and Conditions. 

If you have any queries about a booking or aspects of an event, please contact Donna Carty on donna@dcdevelopment.com

Additional areas

Any terms stated in proposals or agreed in emails relating to a specific booking or project, form  part of these Terms and Conditions. 

If you have any queries about a booking or aspects of an event, please contact Donna Carty on donna@dcdevelopment.com